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GoldON Resources Ltd V.GLD

Alternate Symbol(s):  NCMBF

GoldON Resources Ltd. is a Canada-based mineral exploration company, which is focused on discovery-stage properties. The Company is in the business of exploring its mineral exploration assets. Its projects include West Madsen, Slate Falls, Pipestone Bay, Pakwash North, McInnes Lake, McDonough and Hagarty Creek. The Pipestone Bay Property is located within the Red Lake Greenstone Belt (RLGB) approximately 32 kilometers (km) west of the town of Red Lake, the 1,015-hectare Pipestone Bay Property lies in an area of numerous significant gold occurrences, including two past producers and four developed prospects. The Hagarty Creek property comprises 17 mining claims covering 7,731 hectares. The property is approximately 46 kilometers (km) southeast of the town of Longlac in the municipality of Greenstone, Ontario. The McInnes Lake Property is located over 115 kilometers (km) north of the town of Red Lake. The West Madsen Property is located in the heart of the Red Lake Gold Camp.

TSXV:GLD - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by Alchemist7on Nov 04, 2010 4:37pm
Post# 17659914

RE: RE: Visible Gold...

RE: RE: Visible Gold...
Perhaps they don't WANT to say " visible gold" , after all we are the small fish in the pond.  If you start waving something really shiny some big fish is going to eat you !   You have to ask, why did Newcastle do this property alone, instead of looking for, or accepting, a joint venture??  With the stock stuck in the $.10 range, is it being accumulated to any large degree and for what purpose?  A lot of the answers are closely held by those who manage the company , so all we can do is wait and possibly look to surrounding action for clues, to connect the dots!  Meanwhile, gold is hitting new highs ( $ 1,394.60  GOLD   $ 26.31 SILVER )  which still bodes well for Gold companies and junior exploration companies.

As Always, Best of Luck

Bullboard Posts