Sales Growth/GRT/RT: Sales Growth is the Sales Growth Rate in percent over the last 12 months. MAT has a Sales Growth of 650.00% per year. This is excellent. Sales Growth is updated each week for every stock. It is often useful to compare Sales Growth to Earnings Growth to gain an insight into a company's operations
GRT reflects a company's one to three year forecasted earnings growth rate in percent per year. MAT has a forecasted Earnings Growth Rate of 17.00%, which VectorVest considers to be very good. GRT is computed from historical, current and forecasted earnings data. It is updated each week for every stock in the VectorVest database. GRT often foretells a stock's future price trend. If a stock's GRT trend is upward, the stock's price will likely rise. If GRT is trending downward, the stock's Price will probably fall. >>>>>> favors the purchase of stocks whose GRT is rising and is greater than the sum of current inflation and interest rates, as shown weekly in our investment climate report
RT is a fast, smart, accurate indicator of a stock's price trend. MAT has a Relative Timing rating of 1.66, which is excellent on a scale of 0.00 to 2.00. RT is computed from an analysis of the direction, magnitude, and dynamics of a stock's price movements over one day, one week, one quarter and one year time periods. Once a stock's price has established a strong trend, it is expected to continue in that trend for the short-term. If a trend dissipates, RT will gravitate toward 1.00. RT will explode from bottoms, dive from tops, and reflect changes in price momentum. """"""""" favors the purchase of stocks with RT ratings above 1.00.