RE: RE: collapsing, very healthythe stock took quite a run up. Sure day traders would sell, its probably smart thing to do. But if you read my posts the company is a turn around.
A word about management. Do you why South Africa stopped the permit. Do you know management were doing work on the tailings to speed things up before the permit was issued based on a verbal from someone and they got caught permit was denied. Besides there were complaints filed by lneighbouring land owners against building the tailings pond.
The government has many sections and departments.
i believe CML has been waiting since 2007 for a tailing permit with no news.
Do you know i personally wrote South African government over the tailings issues.
But to jump in here and accuse management of things you know nothing about is going to make you look like a dumb bell.
But if you look at value STM is 1.12 they have 60% of project, and no raods permits tailings hyfro telephone nothing but a bare field.
A few dfrill holes.
Your thinking a gold ?uranium operation is not worth 1.35 a share.