RE: facts from recent newsreleasesjust finally got back online after a long flight to get to Australia ... honestly not the results or hews I would have liked
to read but sometimes life happens ... many of us have made serious money on YNG shares and will continue to
do so !
If you know anything you know that money doesn't grow on trees and a stock and a company doesn't turn around over night ... there are many bumps in the road and yes we have hit some here.
But .. not sure why Downer cares because he doesn't have shares and is only a bitter ex shareholder anyways who comes here to say I told you so ... well we don't need you nor endless negativety and crap ...
If anyone is a shareholder you need to decide if you believe in this stock and company or investment or not ... if you don't then bail out and sell .. if you do then realize fortunes and success does not happen overnight !
An employer once said that you are either out of the wagon and helping push it along or are sitting in the wagon riding for free and a burden to all ..... seems we have alot sitting in the wagon and complaining and would be nice if they either got out or moved on !!!
As for the missing gold .. yes that is a very big disappointment and should not happen but sad to say in real life it does .... I once met a mine worker who worked in a gold mine in Princeton and bragged he stole enough gold to buy a brand new Harley and was working on his second ..
I look forward to the companies explanation of this ! and for continued success of this stock and company.