Hop On...With all of this interest in Clarisoy we have forgotten whatgot ADM interested in the first place. Canola.
Yes Clarisoy has the ability to go to market immediately. Yesit is an amazing product, yes ADM wanted to deal with this first. Why? Ibelieve it was a power struggle between Solae (DD) and ADM, and still has thegreat potential to be a dog fight. If and only if Clarisoy is as great as wethink it is. If it is? Solae is toast. They have no choice but to go after BUand buy them out. ADM has made a brilliant move partnering with BU as it hasclearly put the pressure on Solae to make an offer (tip their hat so to speak) I still can’t figure out why ADM would want todo this deal with BU, why not buy them out? Now it appears that ADM holds allof the cards. If Solae comes to the front then ADM can counter offer as it isobvious ADM wants this product. One question I do have is, if ADM has controlover this technology, do they hold the rights to the patents? I would hate tobe the company trying to defend against that.
Canola? Where are we with this? As it is not a proven marketas of yet and will not be until BU allows it to happen. I know there are BXIguys out here but lets be real here. BXI is for cattle. They simply do not havethe product comparable to that of BU. Period. This IS the same technology BUhas for Clarisoy. That means BU’s technology is one of the same for Supertein.If clarisoy is amazing? what then is Supertein? ADM had to jump on the Clarisoy band wagon asthey could not allow Solae to come to market with this already proven product. NowSolae is left with their pants down. Now what? Sit back and enjoy the ride.