RE: Directors at QUEBEC Mining SHOW.ivanyee1948, I'm sure you mean that as a wish, rather than fact. Quebec exploration 2010 is pretty small and seems to just be presentations of general topics of interest (no company booths). The directors of GBK would have to be very careful in public in what they say... until after the ruling.
A combination of free trade (Australia nearly took all our Potash), bad government policies and possibly corporate incompetence is what caused this problem. Jilen Jien was actually honored by our government in a ceremony a while back. Blame for this debacle can easily be spread all around. If GBK loses this one it's not the end of the world, but the share price will settle a little lower (.14 -.16?). If they win, you will be back to the .35-.50 range. Unfortunately this is a coin toss.
The waiting sucks.