RE: whats nextCan you please help me. I did as much research on this company as I could find. I bought at $.85 right after they announced the sale of these units. I had no idea they owned a bloody plane. Had I known more about this company, I may have waited, or even passed (although I am optimistic that their product will prove out).
Here is my question:
How does a person (self investor) obtain info on companies....Like how many f'ing planes they own etc..?
Unreal, sell the damn thing already and stop the bleeding on all nonessential spending. Someone forgot to close the till I guess until it was too late.
I do believe the results will prove out and this product could end being installed on wind farms worldwide.....I just wish I had of been able to find out more info. And I am finding this with a lot of companies....There is so much I find out after the fact (good and bad) that I wish I had of found out before I bought/sold.
So, did I just plain miss the obvious plane they owned? Or was that news to other people?