C-R-A-S-HDefinitely markets crash this coming week. I have reviewed in great detail, 100% sure.
I was early in my entry to be sure, and the mkt did go to the max extreme possible. When FAZ is trading at $15.90 shortly do you think I will care that I bought in slightly high when could have bought lower. NO!
The dynamics behind crashes are difficult to understand because the mkt is trading normally, and then all of a sudden makes a massive extreme move. Think 2008! We are there NOW again. What we saw last week was the start of a typical crash setup. The mkt surges up and then crashes.
Next week will blow most people's mind. Crashes are my specialty. It is most important to keep our cool and not sell FAZ too early because that is the easiest mistake to make. Don't try to trade FAZ, just hold it and keep your cool. Many of the bounces will not be worth trading, or will be too fast to trade properly, and I will just sit through the volatility. FAZ will rise extremely fast, and also make sudden fast drops. Don't be alarmed by this when it happens. I know when to get out and there will be plenty of time.
Until further notice trading bull etfs is absolutely out of the question to me. Extreme danger. I'm warning those who were disagreeing with me last week to carefully consider what I am saying, and the extreme risk that I see as imminent.
If you think I am just full of hot air then ask yourself did you see the 2008 crash coming?????? The time to consider a bullish trade was end of August or better yet March 2009 - not now. Get out while you can.... Those who don't want to short this mkt can sit in cash and be safe. Capital preservation is an important strategy.
We should see $15.90 for FAZ very soon, this week or next week at the latest, S&P 1095 imo. After this comes a lower high maybe 1140 S&P or so, and then the mother crash of them all kicks off. Things are moving fast and the big crash is not far away at all. It's very eery to me right now....
Most will go broke - not me.