TSXV:CLAS.H - Post by User
Post by
willibrichon Dec 07, 2010 4:09pm
Post# 17814355
Trading patterns can tell you alot
Trading patterns can tell you alotabout a company and it's immediate prospects.
Yesterday our partner BWN traded 2,709,000 shares on 140 trades , for an average of about 19300 shares per trade. Now this compares to BWN 's average trading volume of several hundred thousand shares at around 3000 shares per trade.
So yesterday there was bigger money chasing up the price on much larger volume. Why ?
And why did BWN trade only 98,700 shares today , down 6 cents to .86 on 31 trades.........................thus resuming it's normal trading pattern of around 3000 shares per trade.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, QEI traded flat @ .20 yesterday on larger volume of 3.3 million shares.
And I see that TD and BMO Nesbitt are once again selling a ton of shares today . Twenty minutes ago, BMO Nesbitt tried to slam the price down to .185. Well it closed @ .19, down a penny
QEI 's trading pattern is counterintuitive to what BWN is doing. I see no other reason for BWN 's action except the Colombia discovery well. And I 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