I got answers on Well 9 from the companyIf you recall, well 9 is the deepest well drilled in Chia. I called the company to find out more about well 9.
The response I got are the following:
- after the excitement from C7 gushet, Well 9 was drilled deeper to evaluate the deeper zone
- testing of the jeribe formation that flowed 4800 bopd in C7 was not completed because the explorers at that time wanted to explore more deeper zones of the well (likely to see if they could hit similar gusher like in Kirkuk that flowed 95000 bopd)
-I was told that the deeper Shiranish zone was tested and they wouldn't provide the flow rate because it is not in the public domain. I asked if they would target this deeper zone and I was told NO! that their focus would be on the shallower Jeribe formation which would be less expensive to produce. My gut feeling which is consistent with the formation profile on their website is that the deeper Shiranish zone in well 9 likely tested gas and as such is not of interest and value to the company. This is why they are focusing on the shallower zone which makes sense. I guess we have reverse of what is happening with WZR. Our oil is on top & shallower while the gas is deeper which is good to me!!
- They confrimed that they are currently finalizing the drilling budget and that they are going ahead with the construction of the production processing facility for quick generation of cash flow!!