TORONTO, Canada: In tracking the small stock universe for Tuesday, December 7, 2010 Ubika Research found thatthe top 10 small cap stock gainers from each of the listed sectorsperformed as follows:
Metals & Mining stocks: + 30%
Gold stocks: + 21%
Oil & Gas stocks: +12%
Technology stocks: +13%
Clean Tech stocks: + 18%
The top individual small cap stock gainers include Metals &Mining: Fjordland Exploration Inc (TSX VENTURE: FEX) (CVE: FEX) with a42% gain in metals and mining category, Searchgold Resources Inc (TSXVENTURE: RSG) (CVE: RSG) with a 38 % gain among gold stocks, RangerEnergy Ltd (TSX VENTURE: RGG) (CVE: RGG) with a 30% gain in oil &gas, CryptoLogic Ltd (TSX: CRY)(TSE: CRY) with a 29% gain among technology stocks and Turbo PowerSystems Inc (TSX: TPS) (TSE: TPS) with a 100% gain in the cleantechcategory.
To find the complete list of the top 10 gainers (updated daily)in junior small cap metals & mining, oil & gas, gold, clean techand technology sectors for Tuesday, December 7, 2010, visit"SmallCapPower Box Score" section at:
Ubika Research has reports on over 50 interesting small capcompanies available at The Ubika Research "ResourceStock of the Week" series has outperformed the TSX Venture Index by 27%(as of Oct 31, 2010).
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