MENA has $100 billion worth of workLet's hope their strategic acquisition speaks an arab language!
The World Bank has estimated the need for environmental services andproducts across the Middle East and North Africa ("MENA") regions at US$100 billion over the next 10 years. Kuwait alone represents in excessof US $3.5 billion in large-scale soil remediation projects primarily toclean and treat over 114 km2 of oil-contaminated Kuwait lands as aresult of the 1991 Gulf War and the detonation of 798 oil wells. Up to 5million barrels of crude oil burned and spilled into the desert soil ona daily basis for approximately 9 months until extinguished formingwhat is known today as the Kuwait Oil Lakes.
Whomever owns the warrants sees May 2011 something...I own the commons and I know it is great but value but I am not getting any younger waiting for a Middle East entry heck my no name companies are already running over there and setting up offices...why isn't Bennett?