RE: NOW THAT I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION God luv ya Flubby.............I will never put you on ignore.....your posts have to be the most entertaining reading I've encountered in the last few years. You must spend considerable time, hampered by your limited intellect, cranking these out day after day. Don't stop brother, and it doesn't matter how long they are I will read every word.
I do hope you hang on to whatever SLAM shares you do could probably use a break in your financial situation.
You do remind me of a poster a couple of years ago.........Bumper, I think he went by..........Mallgirl and I used to joust with him on a daily basis and the more he badmouthed slam the more I bought..........I can thank him for having a tidy bit of SXL in my TFSA for an average price of under 6 cents.
And I thank you..........your wonderful posts continually reinforce my belief that SXL will be one of the most positive financial events my family will ever be part of.