By design??I have been thinking about this company more than I would care too lately and what really concerns me is that so much seems to be happening ( or rather NOT happening ) by design. I still DO think they have their pilots going on and that the depreciation in the SP has been by design....purposeful. My big concern is why? As
Haiti has suggested, and this make some sense, it ight have been to involve new partners at generously lower prices which would benefit the company and SP in the longer run. But at THIS point, all of the silence, and the protracted time frame make me wonder what else might be at work here. What are their intentions? Do the want us so desperate that they will sell this out for a song from underneath us? Is this an insider squeeze out of the unwanted shareholders? Will they do a deal where management might try to buy us out for something far below fair value?
I don't know, but these snakes scare the crap out of me and have shown little goodwill to suggest to me that they are due my trust and respect. We need to watch this carefully.....
As Whitehorse has said, I am well beyond my tipping point.