RE: RE: Victor2009, Enlighen Us!Victor,
There is no reality left in Doingthejob/Aatooz’s world to debate anymore. His world revolved around his single investment in ISM, and it’s obvious by the tone in his posts, he took a financial beating he is incapable of handling at this time.
The ISM Independent Micon NI 43-101 Resource Report for the “Company Maker Langmuir Properties” proved up what many of us were telling Doingthejob/Aatooz for years; Langmuir simply does not have anywhere near the Resources the Darcels and the long gone Promoters of these sites spouted the last five years.
It seems all but Doingthejob understand what the Report really meant, and all, but the sulking Doingthejob have licked their wounds and moved on. The only thing left in Doingthejobs world that will make him feel a bit better is his hope that LBE will fail in moving forward to become a successful mid tier producer over the coming year. Wishing for this seems to be Doingthejobs only purpose in life anymore. How sad!
With the new change in LBE, it has been difficult for any of us to comment lately as Management really haven’t had time to fully access the company, nor give shareholders an update or direction for LBE. The recent small news release last week seems to calmed things some, and by all accounts the promised update later this month or early in the New Year should give us all a clearer picture on LBE’s future. Hopefully an exploration/drilling program to expand resources, mill production updates and financial information will all be included in the upcoming news release. As that news come out, the market will take that information and place a value it sees fit to LBE’s share price.
As it is obvious it is not going to be Doingthejobs most joyous and remembered holiday season this year, I would like to take this time and wish him and his family a very Merry Christmas, and a much more Prosperous New Year than the last!