Twits doing Frenchie !!!That's cute Twit and French are in love, You should get a private room and stroke each others egos.
The boiler room comment was stupid and exposes your illusion that a comment on a bullboard can some how manipulate a share price. ATT, BASS, OILTRAD,DUTCH and even JOCO now and then have some sort of information or opinion on OPTI , bitumen or something relevant . To repost a quote (or 10) from someone else without any reference to what everybody else was saying or what the market was doing that day/week is very childish and commonly witnessed in a kindergarden classroom. He said / she said, you're a liar, no you are.
You both seem to take pride in your ability to tear apart or point fingers at someone elses opinion or post.
Oh and by the way, I do enjoy golfing and usually manage a couple rounds a week to maintain a 12 handicap.
The 4iron tag has nothing to do with a mid iron TaylorMade stuffed away in your garage.
It refers to the elemental properties of Maganese and other rare earth minerals.
Ciao Dolt