NR Minera Andes Reports on Los Azules 121610
Notice how the resource estimate has soared! First two of five rigs deployed!
In that NR, MAI claims to have 100% interest in LA and
does not even mention litigation with TNR over a substantial piece of it.
25% or even a quarter of a part of that holding is significant*...
Question arises: why does MAI misrepresent the facts?
Do they really think they have already won hands down?
Well, I also notice in the same News Release that MacEwen is stated to have 33% interest in MAI whereas at the beginning about a year ago at this time he had a 49% stake.
That begs the question: if Minera Andes' future looks so rosy, why did MacEwan lower his stake?
Mixed messages here.
My theory? MacEwen might have pulled money out to bankroll any of his other profitable holdings like US Gold, to drum up some profits to create an income stream to fight for legal ownership of all of LA with all his might because
LAissovaluable; even more so now.
COPPER IS RISING! Currently $4.14 a POUND.
I believe MAI wants to win this case real bad.
*If TNR gains legal claim to 25% [best case scenario] of 36M T expected annual throughput,
(25% = 9M T annually]
with copper at $4.14 a POUND.... you do the Math.
The mind boggles.
That same report says there is a 25 year mine life.
The stakes are VERY high.
TNR has heavy hitters on board, good strategies in place and big-bucks too!
You better believe it with those stakes in mind. June [Trial Date] can't come too soon.