just28I couldn't agree more. It is an all out shame that our stock pr. sits at the yearly low. We have increased the resource, have a strong partner and gold is at all time highs. Why shouldn't we be higher ? ( Could it have anything to do with mgm't.? ) Other juniors have done so much better with much less. The mgm't. team here is a mess, imagine after all this time just now updating the website. If you want to email the ceo the email address is to another co. not ox! There is a Harvard education but you also need drive and common sense. Without either one of these two, the Harvard degree is useless. I have learned from my experience from ox to check the mgm't. carefully before you invest. OX is a classic eq. of what happens to you if you don't. The pp money is just being used for administration and lots of it. I wish I could make the mtg. You know the one coming up that is in the bush just before Christmas, well planned. They want another year of the same. I don't and sent my proxy to David.