Venting vs manipulation
I suggest that Dollartalker listen to the presentation. I did not suggest that this bullboard has a basher (you) and to vent frustration is quite human and normal. We should count our blessings for that!! Constructive critisism is critical in sorting out informative info. Freedom of speech et al.
The aim of the post was : To be on guard and recognize if and when these things begin to occur. The link is also very useful for anyone who is a first time investor or has other investment stocks that are being manipulated.
Others on ESO bullboard have expressed thoughts to the effect that there may be manipulators (subtle). It does seem ludicrious that this stock is trading at
.11 when their holdings values are so much higher! WHY?
I fully agree with you that we need mgmt. to take the lead by releasing NRs etc. No argument. My feeling are similar to yours on that point. According to mgmt. that is to come early in the new year. No point grinding on about that at this time!? They have stated their position.
It is quite a different thing to vent frustration and give opinions compared with those who in the background do it (professionally for a fee) for their own greedy gains at the expense of other naive investors. Legalized theft if you will!
So if you're not a manipulator/basher and not receiving a professional fee sincere apologies if you thought I was referring to you....or any other on this board.
For any that are paid manipulators and pro bashers (not referring to any one individual) , that link will show that the handwriting is on the wall!