This Company is totally undervaluedI am familiar with this Company and I followed for years; This is not a Pump and Dump outfit; This are Oldtimer kind of people,very honest; They have their own drill outfits; They dont waste money,they make money by farming out propertys; Their goldmine was bought for a song and is producing and will provide funds. This is one of the best junior in existence and will reward you one way or another.
You see the Day traders and wanna bees leaving the boat.
I will stick with it as I know what this company is all about; They know BC,Yukon,Northwest teritory and Alberta like nobody else,passed on from two generations. They have so many claims covering almost all mettals
,even rare earth and uranium,have faith
Noticed in the conference call that a lot of big players were asking questions and they did not seem to be disapointed