RE: RE: overbill restatementYou wonder why they are not selling more purification units to the Cdn gov. for Haiti, etc..? Over charging their largest customer.....isn't that the Cdn military? Boy, the jack-asses that run this place are unreal. You've got one major customer to keep happy and instead of keeping them happy you spend your time an money on new patents that have gotten the company no where.
Who made that decision anyways? The company has consistently gone downhill since the exit of the original management team about 15 years ago. The original team struggled a bit but never to this degree and never made these large stupid annual errors. All that was needed back then most likely was a tweek here and there as the brains and drive to make this company succeed were there. Instead all of the management was cleared out leaving the company with no vision and new managers brought in that were just looking for a job rather than being more personally invested in the success of the company.
When will they just come out and admit that they are not trying to make this thing succeed?