RE: RE: On the nefarious takeover al, This type of cease trading has happened to me before, and that was with CMB.V. (CMC Metals) It just takes time to work through the system. With CMB, the 43-101 was questioned by the was found to be out of date, and not up to current regulations. CMB was ordered to get a new 43-101 done on their silver property in the Yukon. Well all this takes time and money. CMB did get the 43-101 done, and sent it to the regulators. After a couple of weeks to a month, the regulators came back and said they didn't believe the current 43-101, and ordered CMB to get another independent 43-101 done on their silver property. we know all this takes time.
Well CMB did get another 43-101 done by another qualified firm, and it came back with higher values then the original 43-101, and the 1st new 43-101. We were ceased traded for about 6 months, and this took a toll on the stock price when we came back trading.
In this business, things happen, what we sometimes don't like, but without the regulators and their rules....this would be a wild west shoot out like before the Bre-X episode......all we can do is sit and wait.......
Wishing all a Healthy Prosperous 2011 ...........Richard