From their presentationIt should be noted that their presentation shows
Undiscovered and Prospective Resource. It shows
Petroleumin Place figures, not Oil in Place figures.
if they discovered Petroleum in Place (gas or oil, or both) they would have a reasonable chance to recover
132 million bbls of petroleum, measured and converted to oil barrels.
In my opinion, the presentation should have stated the following... because there are posters here confusing
the issue.
UndiscoveredPIIP is that quantity of petroleum that is estimated, on a given date,to be contained in accumulations yet to be discovered.
Investorsshould be cautioned that: (i) there is no certainty that any portion ofthe Undiscovered PIIP will be discovered and (ii) there is no certaintythat any portion of Discovered PIIP will be economically viable ortechnically feasible to recover or produce.