CMK coal contractsthe reason that cline has not announced contacts for the coal is because of the delay in getting mhsa approval. there are lots of companies that want their coal, but because this is a 'new' mine/production they will want a sample of the coal and they weren't allowed to remove any of it at the time. now that they have approval and are mining coal we can expect contracts to be announced soon.
By the way, i have it on good authority that mitsui is totally out of their position in cmk(the large cross that occurred a few weeks ago was a hedge fund/institution buying the bulk of their position).
the reason given was that mitsui had made their money and wanted profit. every company has their own objectives and goals, perhaps they had a margin call on another investment, who knows. what is important is that someone really wanted their shares and bought them in large amounts.
i'm sure some of the bashers will want to twist this info, but just remember the sp is up a $1.25 since they sold their position.