Can someone post the house buying pleaseI dont have access to figure out where the buying is coming from. Based on Stockwatch (where they show the last 10 trades at any given time) it appears that whenever I look its TD doing much of the buying. I am interested to find out how much they have purchased the last couple of days.
I am thinking that maybe a small institution is picking away here. When I spoke with Don Bain before all of this news came out he informed me that there was another institution willing to take stock in the financing is there was more available. Its possible that maybe they would be jumping on in before the real numbers are out.
This would bold very very well for our share price if this is the case. Having a house or two accumulate stock versus day trade would go a long way to clearing up our overhang for when the real numbers come out on hole #1 and before drilling starts on #2.