RE: Discovered 5000 barrels of oil per dayOther wells in the same field were shown as declining to non commercial quantity within one day.
Where is the information for this well, which provides the data to determine whether it is initial flush production,
or stable rate ? The well was plugged and left for 75 years... known buried treasures don't normally remain intact
for 75 years.
You keep mentioning Soros... why didn't LFD ask Soros for money, instead of signing a PSC for a 40% royalty ? Why would LFD give away that much, if they knew that a commercial discovery existed already ?
Why do they show zero reserves ? They only show Prospective Resource, which means undiscovered resource. The SEC doesn't even allow Probable oil reserves to be disclosed, let alone Prospective Resource. Only in Canada,
where Venture stocks can list without any reserves.
The three of you continue to use Prospective Resource as Oil Reserves. You have been aware of the difference, yet continued the lie. If you truly believed in the long term potential, you wouldn't need to commit fraud.