Schiff, thats a 2009 post.In the meantime, the rest of us, or at least some of us, had a huge year in the markets.
IND application, who knows, 2013, 2014, likely by then maybe 175 or 200 million shares out.
Not sure where the upside will be, but I am expecting a private placement shortly on this one,
likely in the low double digits, just the way I see the financials, wonder if this one gets backstopped
as well. Anyways, Schiff, if you want to make money, Ill have you on my email list. There has been
great opportunity all the way along, and Ill see what I can find on that private company with the cancer prototype
out west. 20 cents maybe, but there would have to be a lot of changes, and I dont see that happenning.