Goldentriangle looking over your previous postsI notice that you admit to being guided by the wisdom of Forest Gump, and reading your posts and your totally unreasoned investment advise It is clear that you believe that because Forest was successful in buying Apple stock early that we should all follow his example.
Of course Forest believed that he was buy into some kind of fruit company ... in fact even when it made him millions he still believed that.
However your little rant about Beachmans history of posts over on TRR board does prove that Forest was right when he said that "stupid is as stupid does".
You used the fact that Beachman had a change of heart after the latest drill results last September. He said that he was now an investor and if you had followed him you would now own TRR at just over a dollar. Of course you didn.t do that and that is the "stupid is" part.
Now the last time you recommended buying GLD was in Late Dec. 2010. It was trading between .50 & .55 cents. That was good Forest Gump type advice. Anybody who followed it would now fall under the " stupid does" part of your investment strategy.