GREY:CEXPF - Post by User
Post by
uraniumxxxon Jan 11, 2011 4:29pm
Post# 17956068
Dec 9 NR and potential
Dec 9 NR and potentialThis is from the NR Dec 9
1)This five drill hole Phase 1 program is expected to be completed by the end of the first week of January 2011.
2) Based on rock sample analytical results received to date, many of the aplite dykes are known to be REE-bearing. Surface exposures of the dykes are extensively covered with overburden, and the two historical drill holes were drilled obliquely to both the strike and dip of these two dyke sets. This program is designed to drill test whether these represent a possible target type where there is a potential locale or zone where the dyke swarms are extensive (both along strike and across the width of the swarm) and the individual dykes or dykelets are highly REE-enriched. This type of target, if found relatively near surface, has the potential to be amenable to open pitting
3) All four of the Cache REE properties have proximity to available infrastructure and are considered to have excellent potential for rare earth element mineralization
SO - News in January (hopefully sooner than later) AND if we can mine this with an open pit....that is a HUGE bonus. These are also close to roads etc...
HUGE Potential