Toasted is a little baby b*tch
Instead of asking us to answer one simple question, answer this one instead.
Why is it that you spend time on this board ??????
If you are right about SFF sucking b*lls, then why do you care about THE REST OF US losing money? Do you want a "THANK YOU TOASTED FOR TELLING ME TO SELL!!! I HAVE AND NOW I AM GOING TO SAVE A LOT OF MONEY! THANKS TOASTED FOR YOUR ADVICE!"
or do you just do it because you have lots of time on your hands... either way, you smell like a baby b*tch.
DAVE IS RIGHT. Look at who is in the PP. If they are wrong, then you are amazing and should have people PAY YOU for your advice. TOASTED, I hope we can still be friends. I'll be your only friend if you;d like. ADD ME, we can chat about how to make your life less shitty. I hate to say it, but I have this feeling that you are not the most fortunate looking individual.
Everyone else needs to not worry about arguing your point FOR or AGAINST sff. Lets see the results.
TOASTED ! WE LOVE YOU! and im sorry about your appearance.