Re Arties 1-14-2011 Posts Artie, Thank you for your comments and your very informative posts. I have no intention to cease posting. When YNG took over (ACQUIRED) Queenstake, the QRL share price was about
.15. We had to give ten (10)QRL shares for one (1) YNG share My QRL shares from that point in time have seen a drop in price of over 50 percent. I will not say what my other QRL shares are worth (OUCH), but I will say this, the only time I have seen a larger drop in one of my shares value was with ENRON. Needless to say, ENRON and YNG are my largest investment blunders. And on top of that, my local chicken roost seems to have emptied. I guess we have to keep a stiff upper lip and press onward. Cheers ICE