RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Shake shake shLook at the AOS chart since the markets began to recover in '09. Anyone who bet on AOS during the recovery missed out on a truckload of profit, myself included. I picked the wrong horse, period, and I'm not happy.
As for the future, despite a certain individual's mindless pumps, I see little reason for this stock to do much pending:
1. regulatory approval of clearwater (Q4, 2011)
2. a good JV agreement for same, but it's not clear to me if AOS is seeking a JV partner for the pilot (possibly anytime) or for the subsequent expansion in capacity (2012)
3. a whole or partial buy-out (?)
4. new drilling results or resource estimates, etc., but going by the Q3/10 update it does not appear as though AOS is doing much in this regard. (?)
Barring a buy-out, AOS could well be dead money for another 9 months to a year. And it seems it's only rumours of a buy-out that got us to
.50 or I'd still be far in the red on this stock. I can easily see the SP back at .30 over the next couple of weeks.
AOS didn't release the '09 year end report until April/2010 (though they did announce winter 09/10 operational plans in December/2009; unfortunately no parallel announcement this year). Anyway, I'm trying to hold out for the 2010 year end report before deciding whether dump it all. But April's a long way off.
I'd love to hear anyone's rosier outlook. Oh yeah, show your work.