RE: RE: WrongMagical timing, Gambler. But don't you wish you'd bought STP (up 3500 percent since the market depths) or ARN (up 2000 percent). You'd have made almost as much money buying gold or oil subindex. And as for a double since
.25, well, six weeks ago you were up 20% and I wouldn't be at all surprised if we're heading back there.
Which was the point of my post, not to start a pissing match based on hindsight.
I haven't yet heard anyone disagree with my fear that this stock, barring a buy-out, is going nowhere for a year or more when - if- the get approval for Clearwater. If so, take your profit and a year or so from now buy back in at 30 cents.
Or is there something else that might keep this recent momentum going? That's why I want a look at the year end report - for the forward looking discussion and activities on the books for this winter. And I'd gladly take a buy-out at a buck a share. I ain't married to this stock; just want to make some money.
Does anyone even know if AOS is doing anything these days other than waiting for Clearwater? What do you expect an NR or two over the first quarter to be about?