Still A WinnerThe recent sell-off reminded me of my first experience with clear-air turbulence 40 years ago - you haven't anticipated it and don't know what it means. Just be glad when it's over!
Folks- we have a mine:
"The production-sized underground decline at the Yaxtche deposit has been advanced more than 375 metres to date and has intersected the Yaxtche central hangingwall and footwall mineralized zones. Approximately 70 metres of development drift has been completed along the footwall zone. To date, more than 1,500 tonnes of vein material have been mined. Channel and stock pile assay results on that material are pending. Both zones were intersected as predicted by the geologic model. The company plans to continue mine and subsequent vein development during 2011 for further confirmation of the resource model; to collect bulk samples for metallurgical testing; to confirm mining methods; and to develop the mine to accelerate the campaigning of West Yaxtche material. The decline support infrastructure, including maintenance facility, power, ventilation, fuel storage and a camp that now houses up to 125 employees, is all in place."
Management is extremely frustrated about the assay backlog and are sparing no effort to develop their own capacities. Meanwhile, their understanding of the geology is confirmed - "70 metres of development drift".
I remain over-weighted.