RE: RE: TiO2 Pricegreat posts canada,what investors need to undersstand is very simple,rgx is a world class mine,plain and simple,it just has to go through the avenues,and prove to the institutional people just that,before we head north of $10.00 a share,the small type fish such as mineral fields,sprott,pinetree are the type of buying we will get when the story gets started,these types buy the pennies,and sell in the dollar range,1,2,3,4 dollars,then they hand it over to the big boys over $5.00,and they send her parobolic,to 20,30,40,50 dollars a share,but before any of this happens,you need to have a great mngt team with expierence to jump these hurdles over time,this could take a year or two,first off we need to get out of the venture exchange,this will open up many eyes on the radar screens across north america,and so on and so on,theres so much to do over the next couple of years it not funny,but theres going to be a huge trade from here on end,the big money is always made when the story breaks,your 10 and 100 baggers are made at the start,anything under .50 cents,the skies the limit,we are sitting on a $100 billion ore as we speak and growing,lol,jmho.