SPROTT FNC AND RGXthe connection between the three of these players is what gave fnc the run on the rgx,very signifacant,and what to look out for going into the future,argex are ready to breakout over the next couple of years,and can prove to have a world class deposit going forward,this pass week saw sprott jump in both fnc and rgx for a total of 7 million shares,and between the two sprott and fnc,they have control of or about 18 to 20 million shares of rgx,big things are about to happen for argex,with ore values of $50 to $100 billion as we speak and growing,theres no telling how high the sp can go over the next couple of years,so a big thanks to argex and its top notch mngt team,who are going forward and drilling out this unbelievable find,lots of hurdles to jump,but with mikey and his team,we are in good hands.jmho.