RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: whats up doc?As long as it is permission to proceed, that is all that matters.
The meeting in Calgary in Q4 indicated clearly that there is likely no intention to go it alone.
That means what we should be excited about is the fact that we are going to get a one-two (and maybe 3) punch combination.
Formal Minutes from FDA reiterating clearly positive and constructive meeting - Punch 1 (glancing blow at best)
Partnership agreement is solidified after FDA blessing and fast-follow NR indicates who will be working with us to expedite and bolster the methodology on the next phase (2b/3). -- Punch 2
TBI first patent enrollment or US Dept of Defence update NR -- Punch 3.
If you have a big bag of dry powder and you want to buy more on a drop if the NR is not crusted in diamonds, all the power to you. I doubled my position since May and the 5cent sale days are over. You won't get it at nearly the prices that we were looking at in the summer when those who were shaky jumped away after watching their dreams turn to dust after the 2b crapstorm.
Will it go straight up? Nope, never does.
Will you get some at 12 or 13 again, maybe if some weak hands twitch if the news release is not outright giddy with exciting information.
Will you have to pay 20 to even have a chance at a position if the sequence of NRs comes so fast you cannot adapt, maybe.
Tic toc tic toc.
This is the time when faith is being tested.
I could sell everything today and make a small profit and watch this play out from the sidelines.
No Way in Hell.
I still believe. Always have.