orevast I wasnt saying management haed bad intentions after all they pertnered with Mar and have a few excellent properties that they weeded out and managed to maintain a lowfloat threw the 2008 crisis. I was just dissapointed at how this seller was handled. I mean its his/her money and they are free to do as they please but 1-2 million shares should not have cause this much devaluation. Hey it gave me a chance to buy more so thats not that bad.
Today I sold some of my Moz in favour of Moa as I want a piece of the valentine lake drill program and at such a discount I couldnt resist.
Moz is showing intrest and tightning
Moa after the 009 seems to have finally unloaded closed strong and tight aswell
Next week I see Moa back in the high .60's to low .70's