RE: RE: Henry guys crack me up!
alternatively you could have gone back to a 2008 news release .....
The Operation
The production of saleable Tilemsi phosphate requires a basic miningoperation, the pulverizing and bagging of the material and shipment tothe local market. Once mined, the phosphate ore is transported 105 kmby truck to the Bouram plant. There it is pulverized and placed in 50kilogram bags with no need for separation of phosphate. The bags ofphosphate would then be transported to the large agricultural areas tothe west and along the Niger River by barge and truck. The currentplant is capable of producing 36,000 tonnes per year.
At the request of the Company, Robert Salmon of Merit ConsultantsInternational Inc., Vancouver, also visited the plant and mine site inJune, 2008, to perform a preliminary technical review of the plant andequipment. In his report on the pulverizing and bagging plant Mr.Salmon states, "While there are a number of parts missing from the plantfacilities and there are buildings that are in some disrepair, a lot ofthe basic processing components, including the main generator, are ingood condition requiring some basic refurbishment, cleaning andlubrication." Mr. Salmon estimates that it would take about 8 months toget the operation running again. For the mining operation, majorrepairs are required for a backhoe and a D-8 caterpillar, and theCompany must purchase 3 trucks for hauling the ore. Merit Consultingestimates that to get the entire operation back in running conditionwould require approximately $1,400,000.