RE: Strelioff when are we going to be rich ?Yeah I know you dont know either but one day ........... 2011 ? maybe or 2012 ? I hope not I just plan to add and my time line wants this for years not hours , weeks or months
A couple of points that you did not venture an opinion on was how many tyre kickers ? and how long ?
Logic kicker would be
Country kickers would be any country looking at this resource as a substitute for aluminium or lithium
Also who is this question directed at ? (Copied from our last posting) you asked why they continue to drill but yet you answered this yourself and
who is TCK ? Teck Resources Limited (TCK)
"Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't TCK on the brink of insolvency 2 years ago when WE establised this resource"
As I have no understanding of this question one can only assume it is directed at Mr P, do you guys know each other and have I found myself in the middle of a domestic ? I do not know who he or she is nor do I care
You use the term "we" which suggests that you are involved with WHY ?we shareholders
Is Mr P a disgruntled associate trying to cast doubt and you are trying to make all look rosey ? I have no clue who he or she is nor do I care to. I own,like and will continue to add regardless of what others may think.
Why would I sell? If consumption did not keep increasing I would change my ownership stance