RE: News! Nevada update ....This evaluation of todays n.r. was from the esteemed plums over at the yahoo board, evaluating the n.r. and conjecture on why drills were so far away from the original high grade holes.. I wish we could have more posts like this one here. Great stuff.....
Defining the size of the system is important; larger systems potentially larger ore bodies. While drilling by I-80 may have also a had hopes of hitting high grade was well as the hole far to the south of 007, much is to be gleaned geologically from them.
Along with the extent of mineralization, fault structure and stratigraphy will aid further targeting.
EVG recently did a local magnetotelluric survey. This measurement of earth currents supplies differentiation in resistance (ohms) and thereby, coupled with surface geology and others knowns, can delve deeply below the surfaces delineating crustal breaks, intrusives, sulfide mineralization, variations in rock types and other current facilitators and retarders. The drilling adds the more knowns to that picture, more puzzle pieces of that picture.
From the vantage point provided by google earth, suspected faults can be visualized.
That along with some surface geology lends me to think there is a fault just west Car 007 (the high grade hole.) Evg expressed they'll be drilling Car 010 about 66 feet west of Car 007.
Car 007 was close to the edge of the bluff overlooking the Humboldt river valley and the town of Carlin. Going west you rapidly approach
the posed fault, which appear to dip toward 007. If this was the feeder for the high grade of 007, expansion of the high grade is highly possible by 010. According to the mapping I've seen, the indication is that Car 007 was on the down dropped side of the fault thus the same strata hosting the high grade may be closer to the surface on the other side. If 010 is a vertical hole, because of the depth, it may cross the fault before it intersects the favorable strata. Evg also plans to wedge that hole which may give some more dimension to the high grade.
Now a little picture in plan view; many of even the largest and riches individual ore deposits don't exceed 1500 feet in length. Perhaps, this is why claims are limited to 1500 feet in length. (I don't know that history.) Even in the case of copper porphyries this is generally true as they are often comprised of two bi-lateral but separate deposits, but mined as one.
We still have assay data out on Humboldt hole 003. Which, I believe, is coming closer to a fault intersection and closer to the same structure as the Rain deposit. This is just more conjecture on my part as I am guessing about the fault intersection. But, it's like having a small bet on the super bowl; ya have some vested interest even if your team isn't playing.
I've yakked enough.