RE: RE: RE: Talonactually sortatwit, its also all about context, when I said savvy investor I was being jovial and having fun, but I was also correct. You stated that averaging down was not what it is and that I was not a savvy investor for doing so, let me show you, in fact how stupid you are.
Investing 101 for Sortastupid
10,000 shares purchased at .25 would cost an investor $2,500
stock now drops to .25 cents
100,000 shares purchased at .025 would cost an investor $2,500
the investor now has 110,000 shares with a market value of $5,000, and if the stock .05 and he sells he actually makes $500 profit. If it hits .10 he doubles his overall investment. Now a savy investor like me would buy even more than 100,000 shares at the low price and reduce this even more so that even at .10 he is making a tidy profit.
Now, because you clearly do not see this as 'savvy' you clearly had no clue about it and are still sitting on your original investment of +.30 cents, so you probably should have averaged down....