Tree shaking?As retail investors it's pretty hard for us to be "in the know" of any upcoming developments but if any past trends hold truth, generally there is a small rattle in the share price and shares are gobbled up before trending upwards.
So far today trading volume is quite light, so this might not be accurate.
Hopefully timelines with the mine development are on track and management knows with the price of gold, this is the time to make this project go forward.
There seem to be lots of upset shareholders who post on here, so management should understand that they need to make this happen without hiccups.
Could some people please confirm these #'s???
Bakoudou's Zone A open pit mining project with a projected mine life of 3.5 years isexpected to produce approximately 42,000 ounces of gold per year. RSG owns 27% of mine under the JV deal with Managem.
42,000 * 3.5 = approx. 147000 oz (*0.27) = 39690 oz (RSG ownership %)
39690oz * ($1300/oz realistic 2011 gold price) = $51,597,000 over threeyears for RSG. Subtract mining costs RSG will take on for theproject and if everything goes to plan, the initial $4,200,000.00 JV thatRSG made should equate to a nice ROI????
There are other projects in the works but we have to money coming in the door first before advancing anything else.
Thoughts and opinions are welcome.