This could be a game changer for gold silverIf the truth is found out to be that there is no gold in fort knocks watch out price of metals !!!! There is a group that believes there is nothing there and they are trying to find out the last time there was an audit I believe was in the 60's .
read this
FOCUS: Judge Reviews Federal Reserve Documents Related To GATA Case
28 January 2011, 2:00 p.m.
By Cecylia Tulikowski-Denison
Of Kitco News
(Kitco News) -Afederal district judge in Washington, D.C. is reviewing 20 documentsprovided by the U.S. Federal Reserve as part of a Freedom of InformationAct request by the Gold Anti-Trust Action committee for informationrelating to gold swaps as far back as 1990.
If U.S. District Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle turns the documentsover to GATA, it will be up to the group to decide whether theinformation will be released to the public.
Judge Huvelle’ s Jan. 10 order was for an “in camera”inspection, which is a private inspection by the judge where the publicand the press are not allowed to attend. “In camera” is sometimesreferred to as “in chambers.”
The Fed complied with the judge’s order to submit 20 documents,both edited and unedited versions. The documents were listed in theFed’s Vaughn Index, which is the tool federal agencies use to justifywithholding information from FOIA requests from individuals and groupsfor U.S. government records. For a document to be withheld there must bea specific FOIA exemption and a reason.
The reasons will list how potentially damaging it will be todisclose the information publically. The judge will decide whether it isproper to withhold the information. There are nine exceptions under theFOIA act.
Sheldon Snook, media liaison for the U.S. District Court, toldKitco News that the order could serve as a means to assess whether therequested documents could be placed on the public docket.
“The general rule is that personal identifiers, accountnumbers, as well as a requirement that names of minors are not madepublic,” Snook said, explaining the process.
Documents that have been sealed as part of a settlement, or astrade secrets, could be protected from publication, Snook said.Generally, he said, judges are more inclined to place information on theopen court docket.
GATA filed the current FOIA request against the Federal Reserveon Dec. 30, 2009 and it is connected to an earlier 2007 FOIA requestand another in 2009. These requests sought the records from the FederalReserve regarding purported “gold swap” records involving the UnitedStates dating back to 1990.
On June 21, 2010 the Federal Reserve asked the judge for asummary judgment, which is asking to rule in its favor and not make thedocuments public, claiming GATA had not raised a genuine trial issue.
GATA’s Bill Murphy acknowledged that even though the judge caninvariably grant the summary judgment, he believes that on the first goaround GATA won. “We got added victory, it may be minor, but it was avictory against the Fed, because they went all out to have the judge notdo anything,” he said.
The Federal Reserve declined to comment.
Judge Huvelle has two decisions she can make. She can eitherproceed with the FOIA request, or rule in favor of the Federal Reserve.If she rules in favor of the government, GATA will have to try anddefeat the summary judgment, which might be harder as they must presentsome evidence on each issue and bear the burden of proof at any trial.
When asked what GATA’s next move would be if the judge rules inthe Federal Reserve’s favor, GATA avowed that they are determined towin. “We’re not going away, we’re just getting warmed up,” Murphy said.
By Cecylia Tulikowski-Denison of Kitco News;
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