Do yourselves a favor and put Malerjoyjerkoff, what ever her name is, on IGNOR! IT's the best thing ever done! Well except buying WPX and EPO. She's nuts and likely 21 years old playing with her daddy's money cause he can't stand her either! She rarely, if ever, will consider another person's opinion, but you already figured that one out.
She's paid to pump AAA. PERIOD. Do your own DD. Even if AAA gets to production, which they may, there is still much uncertainty in that area of the world. How many times have you seen in the last 20 years an amazing mineral resource get discovered only to be taken away from shareholders by the government of the day? Happens all the time, especially in africa. It only takes a coup or some nut job to over throw the government and then what you have left is wall paper. No one controls what can happen in unstable parts of the world, despite what Mala??? says.
She loves attention and feeds off of it. Forget taking what she says with a grain of salt, you need at least kilo!
Good night all...