RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Egypt + careful in what you post....some posters have been sued for posting less slanderous statements...
Your statement: "Fact is that Ethiopia has an oppressive and corrupt government, regardless of their religion."
Please post your due dilligence and let us know some examples of how the Ethiopian government is corrupt?
The Chinese are investing over $8 Billion Dollars into Ethiopian Infrastructure for railroads, roadways and 5 Hydro Electric Dams. They have leased up over 1 million acres of arable land for crop farming....are they missing something about the stability of the government that you know?
Ethiopia is a Democracy and will have one of the best GDP growths this year...the government wants foreign investment into mining and has provided long term security and policy to ensure the success of investment into building Ethiopia into a self sustaining country. Why would you make such a statement as fact....I wonder why? My due dilligence does not support your statement...and Allana managemnt have had positive meetings with the heads of Ethiopia on a regular basis.
Over 60 million shares of AAA have traded in the last week and large investors are now seeing the real advantages of investing in Ethiopia for the long term. Shallow deposit, cheap labor, solar evaporation, chinese investment, infratructure being paid for by the government, 2 million acres of Chinese, Arabian and Indian arable land that will need AAA potash to grow their crops. You appear married to WPX and not willing to do some real due dilligence on Ethiopia and see the real potential for its growth as it begins to be "colonized" by china as the future breadbasket for the chinese needs.
Please retract your statement or clarify its validity with facts...I wait patiently for your reply ...because it it material for investors and future investors...