RE: Only catalysts on the horizonwhen do think that will be? considering Smedly said production within 6 months and that the new drilling and resource estimated is to come out 2012........
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ??????????
playing games
things are not as stable as they lead you to believe.....
rainy season starting work going to happen
new lows new lows new lows
if so good of the worlds largest ( they all say that crap ) why is no one buying....tell me that
no one seems to answer that question.........why has it lost 30-40% of value in a month or so????? please tell me that????? one one wants to tackle the simple ones.....just try to get all g-d like....
come down to earth..i know it hurts to be losing...but be real at least
another new low today