The1KO- I am INTO JIMHi folks... well I am a general contractor in Toronto area and I am no hired gun!
I sent an email on thier site asking what is happening.. and the message was left @9:43 pm Sunday and was just letting me know that these results were coming and yes, I think tomorrow or this evening after close.
I am a shareholder in many penny stocks, all Canadian, my RRSP and LIRA accounts and so far in 18 months I am up 32% with about 4 losses and a couple I sold early on the uptick... 50% is good on any stock.
I was in Marathon when Hemlo was starting.. I built houses for the miners.. only 3, bad construction there!
I know allot about Hemlo and why JIM has my attention. I sold half 8 wks ago when it hit 37.5, I got 36.5 and now back in around 22 cents.
I agree, this is set to hit 2.00 bucks and fast if hemlo drill results come in like Jim figures, down deep.. that is where Hemlo gets 7 oz per ton... so JIM is going down there to confirm andhe mentioned that Barrick is making a new section heading towards our property!
4All good and IPO, not everyone is a hired gun,... but you do need to watch these boards!