Great results!These results are even better than the first results! So lets see what this means in dollars and cents if the resource estimate eventually is upgraded through further exploration to mineral reserves.First results showed 168 million tons iron resource estimate. The second would be around 175 million or combined around 340 million tons. Iron ore is worth at the 42% grade found, around $100 a ton at current prices. It costs around $60 a ton to produce it. Therefore $40 x 340 million or around $13.5 billion divide by 87 million shares is $155/share. Reduce the net worth to take into consideration the mine is not developed yet, therfore minus 90% =$15.5/share and this is only a small portion, 5-10% of the total potential iron containing area under exploration! This is only for the iron ore. The methane gas for which we payed half the company for, must be pretty likely to be a great source of gas, otherwise the company would not have paid so much for it. Initial resource estimates are trillions of cubic feet of gas. Also the potash minerals have huge potential, dilling results for the Potash should be in March sometime. Once these companies which we own 30-50% of, are listed on the stock exchanges which I understand they are currently workimg on, we"ll see our stock price rise even more, reflecting the value of these assets as well. Whew! This takes your breath away, considering the real potential of what we are sitting on here. Nothing is proven at this time only resource estimates, but the real likelihood potential of what the stock will be worth once it is upgraded to reserves, is mind boggeling. $2.12 is cheap!