Your 100% correct about Tuesday being a typical NR day and there you go.
Mr. Mike Elwood reports
Azure Dynamics Corp. hassigned agreements with 76 additional dealerships to represent Azure'sinnovative products including the Transit Connect Electric and theBalance Hybrid Electric in key markets across North America.
The new agreements bring the total number of dealerships in the Azureprogram to 103. The dealerships are part of Azure's channeldistribution strategy which involves establishing partnerships withdealerships, body vendors, leasing agencies and other customer-facingbusinesses to represent (sell and/or service) Azure products to currentand potential customers. Many of the new dealerships will maintain aninventory of ready-to-deliver Ford Transit Connect Electric vans and/orBalance Hybrid Electric cube vans and walk-in vans.
"In just seven weeks since we posted an interactive dealership locationmap on the product section of our website, that page has been visitedmore than 37,000 times," said Mike Elwood, Azure vice-presidentmarketing. "This reflects the strong interest in the productsthemselves and underscores the many reasons dealerships are eager torepresent Azure products in the field."
Azure previously announced dealerships in major markets includingBoston, Los Angeles, Edmonton, Miami, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, SanAntonio and Toronto.
We seek Safe Harbor.